

Come be with me and be my best

         Decision, quality and chance,

My first choice now, my last request,

         Resort, resource, breath, word and dance.

Come pluck and strum me. Make me ring.

         I resonate to you alone.

Though stars should cry or sunset sing

         Without you, it is monotone.

Come link with me and warp my weft

         And throw my endings over end. 

Laugh with me. Be my Wrong and Left.

         Once more unto the breach, dear friend.

Come, kiss till age between us bows

         To love re-made in quantum Time,

Disnumbering all Thens or Nows

         Between us to a lasting prime.

Come fall for me asleep, again

         Feeling our private planet turn.

Who else will break both bed and brain?

         Who else professes what I learn?

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